
Therapy Testimonials

Ariel has helped me through anxiety/depression by reshaping my mindset and perspective. Practicing reflection and gratitude… letting go of perfectionist expectations and setting boundaries. She has also helped me practice self-love and self-worth, and in doing this, has opened my heart for others to love me. Ariel is kind and warm. She exudes a sense of calm and openness that allows me to feel safe. She is an amazing professional that displays empathy while demonstrating boundaries. Ariel asks the right questions and the hard questions- allowing me to reflect on things I normally wouldn’t have. She is both a therapist and career coach, which for me… was a superpower that I’d never come across before. She has changed my life so much that I cannot imagine my life without her. 
Maggie, Age 31

“I came to see Ariel because I have depression and anxiety, and  wanted to find more successful ways to handle both of those things in my daily life. Ariel has helped me in many ways including simply listening to help unload my mind, giving me poignant reading material and  work books for anxiety management, encouraging me to address people or situations in my life that feel stressful, and giving me easy and fun ways to use my artwork to help manage my stress.  

I feel so much lighter and more in control of my life since  beginning to work with Ariel. I no longer feel like my darkness comes out when I am drinking or with friends, but instead I can discuss these feelings with Ariel and find healthy ways to express how I am feeling. I also feel like my stresses are in my control and  I can decide how to handle certain stressful situations instead of  letting the stress takeover.  

Ariel is a very light, inviting, calm and non-judgmental person who makes you feel safe and validated while talking to her.  Working with her feels like working with a good friend who you can tell anything to without judgement, yet still very professional.  She approaches each situation you speak about with an unbiased  and informed approach to finding a solution, and gives a range  of solution methods and techniques to try for each problem we tackle.”
Hilary, Age 32

“Deciding to start therapy was somewhat scary, but Ariel made me feel comfortable from day one. Ariel is warm, caring, and empathetic which allowed me to feel comfortable sharing and opening up to her pretty quickly. Some of the challenges that brought me to her were dealing with transitions and change, anxiety, and navigating a number of relationships in my life. I’ve been working towards getting to a place where I feel grounded and secure within myself and where certain situations I am in or am going through don’t overwhelm me so much. Through our sessions, alongside some helpful “homework” assignments, I’ve been able to get to a place where I feel more confident and secure. I think one of the biggest changes I’ve noticed in myself is my ability to communicate my feelings, wants, and needs in a number of different aspects of my life as well as my own internal awareness of those needs.”
Marissa, Age 28

“My first appointment with Ariel happened shortly after the loss of my father. Ariel was able to help guide me through the mourning process with an exceptional level of empathy and kindness. Her insight helped me cope with this loss in a healthy and positive way, and I’m extremely thankful that she was there to help guide me through such a difficult time in my life.

Since I began therapy with Ariel, I have faced challenges in my relationships, career, and family life, and her wisdom and perceptiveness in helping me through these issues has been a blessing. Ariel was able to help me work towards my goals by encouraging healthy coping mechanisms, better daily habits, and time for self-reflection and self-care.

The biggest changes that I have noticed in myself during the past 18 months of therapy have been an increased focus on things in life that are important to me and my ability to reject bad habits that were holding me back from my goals. I’m incredibly thankful to Ariel for her guidance and support during a difficult time in my life.

I would describe Ariel as extremely intelligent, engaged, and perceptive, and I highly recommend her as a therapist.”

Kevin, Age 30

“Working with Ariel helped me a lot. It was really fun to get art prompts and I felt like I had a lot of freedom to do what I wanted to do. I also felt really safe talking to her about different things. She gave me a lot of ideas and tips for how to calm myself down and feel less stressed at school.”
Sonia, Age 12

“I’d never been to therapy before, so I was a bit nervous and hesitant about starting. But I am so glad that I overcame that hesitation and found Ariel! From the start of our communication, her compassion and kindness shone through, making me feel comfortable immediately. Opening up emotionally is not something that comes easily for me, so feeling safe and secure was essential for me to embark on this uncharted emotional territory. Throughout our time working together, we addressed anxiety, trauma from a physical accident, difficult relationships, and boundary setting. In particular, we worked together on my long strained relationship with my mother, which is now significantly improved. I know for certain that I never would have addressed difficult issues (both long standing and recent) without Ariel’s guidance and support. Now that I don’t carry so much anger toward my mother, I feel like a weight has lifted off of me. I can’t say how huge that is! Because of this, I feel more confident in navigating all of my relationships. I also now have the tools to check myself mentally when I may be going into catastrophic thinking. It’s a process, but I am firmly on the path and able to guide myself when needed, instead of just turning over the same issues in my mind. I’m in a much better place than I was when I started my sessions with Ariel. I can 100% say that without our work together, I would not be thriving as I am today!”
Samantha, Age 31

Supervision Testimonials

“As my first year graduate internship supervisor, Ariel inspired me by her warmth, confidence, and ability to strongly connect with the students on site. Her expert guidance in a new field quickly allowed me to work independently on site to strengthen the confidence I had in my own abilities while still feeling supported in the casework, supervision, and understanding my own emotions within the work. Additionally, Ariel greatly reduced the stress of interning during a pandemic by quickly adapting my fellow interns and I to a virtual platform and becoming creative with ways to stay engaged with our clients at a distance. I think added to the richness of the internship experience in many ways. I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from Ariel!”
Jackie, Age 26

“As my supervisor in my second year of graduate school, Ariel created space for me to explore my strengths and creativity. She guided me to find the best approaches for my clients, while offering insight and support. Through this approach, I was given space to grow and explore – something I very much needed! The biggest change I noticed within myself was spending lots and lots of time on lengthy documentation! Ariel encouraged me to become more concise and edit my notes for brevity and clarity. A very important skill I have used in my first jobs outside of graduate school. Ariel’s supervisory style is one that molds to the individual. I never felt that she was using canned responses to my dilemmas. Her approaches and feedback were tailored for me.”
Gwen, Age 34

Ariel supervised me in my first year of grad school. As I embarked on my new career in the field of art therapy, I was nervous, and Ariel provided me with supportive supervision. She created a comfortable setting, and I was able to adapt to the new field with the fullest of my ability. Ariel gave careful consideration to my past experience and managed to strike the balance between challenging me and encouraging me. I was often inspired by her creativity and learned how to develop inviting art directives to address clients’ needs and goals. The skills and knowledge I learned from Ariel became the foundation for my second-year internship and jobs after graduation and were applicable to different populations as well. I am grateful for her guidance.
Alice, Age 27